没有扯远,好戏在后头!(drum rolling....)
因为 jackie san 会带我一起选购食品,市场内供应新鲜鱼生、已烹调好的京都料理,豆腐甜甜圈,樱花麻糬,三木鸡卵等等等等,然后我们会到粉雪的樱花树下野餐,口中品尝甜而不腻的樱花麻糬或香气四溢的樱花便当.....你可以闭上眼睛想像,或者你可以跟我们一起到关西亲眼看看到时候有多浪漫。
你以为我说笑啊?当然不是喇,我今天已经 check 了机票,还有机会订到 MLow 机票。

然后我又看到 jackie san 订的住宿,不错呢,从 RM2600 起就有可以走了(机票自己订喇)。如果 budget 不高的话,可以选住民宿塌塌米8人房,要不然可以住民宿附近的 business hotel,挑两人房或单人房。
如果对此行真的有兴趣的大马自游人,我建议你们快快自己上网先订机票,如果想享有 MLow Fare 当然越早订就越有机会喇。赏樱花的季节其实很短,才盛开十多天就谢了。加上樱花季节是旺季,机票很快就会被扫清光了。所以,行动要快。
还有,先说明啊,我们得凑够人才能够成行的,如果人数不够,我们唯有 cancel,然后把定金退回。所以,我们有个 cut off date, 大家现在可以考虑清楚。请细阅以下资料:
Jackie San will be going to Kansai, Japan (Osaka, Kyoto) for some project in March/Apr 2010, so meaning we all can form a team and tag along. Checked and found out that period will be the sakura blooming period, the best time to visit Japan! So, if anyone is interested to tag along, you can get your air tickets ready first (if you book now you still can get MLow price from Malaysia Airlines), and let us know. we will take care of accommodation, meals, places to visit etc* for you. Just read the following information carefully, maybe you can start to imagine what you'd miss if you are not coming along* (evil grin....hahaha)
*details will be announced soon.
名称 / Name : 《大马自游人关西赏樱之旅》/《Malaysia Travelers Sakura Excursion》
目的地 / Destination : 日本关西 / Kansai Japan (大阪 Osaka, 京都 Kyoto)
日期 / Date:23/3/2010 - 29/3/2010
全程 / Duration: 7D6N (机票自理 / excluding flight - book on your own)
价钱 / Price:
- 住宿选择 1 / Accommodation option 1: RM2,600 per pax - if you choose 民宿塌塌米 8 人房 tatami 8 pax room
- 住宿选择 2 / Accommodation option 2: RM3,050 per pax - if you choose Business Hotel 双人房 Twin room / 2 pax per room
- 住宿选择 3 / Accommodation option 3: RM3,500 per pax - if you choose Business Hotel 单人房 Single room / 1 pax per room
报名 & 机票截止日期 / Deadline for booking confirmation & tickets: 28/2/2010
=28/2/2010 前必需自行book好机票,才向我们报名参加我们的《大马自游人关西赏樱之旅》/ please purchase your air tickets before this date and then book your confirmation to join the 《Malaysia Travelers Sakura Excursion》
定金 & 截止日期 / Deadline for Deposit: 28/2/2010 @ 每人 RM500 per person
=我们将于 28/2/2010 举办自游分享会,大家有足够的时间考虑, 然后在分享会当天缴交每人 RM500 定金。同时,请携带以下文件 / we will be having another forum on 28/2/2010 as well, you can book and pay for your RM500 per pax deposit there and then. you will also need to bring along these documents on the same day:
****文件不齐全或拥有任何其他原因者,也可以自行申请签证 / those who do not bring the complete set of documents or not comfortable to show can apply the visa personally too*****
- 护照 (必需拥有最少12月的有效期)/ passport (with at least 12 months validity)
- 正式机票正本或e-ticket / original air tickets or e-tickets
- 签证近照 1 张,4.5cm x 4.5cm, 白色背景 / 1 current photo for visa, 4.5cm x 4.5cm with white background
- 公 司证明信件:以公司信头/letterhead 的信件,注明你的名字,职位,部门,在该公司任职期 / Employment certificate stating your position, department in the company and length of service (using the company leterhead)
- 最 新的银行结单正本以及复印本各 1 份,如果是网上下载的 e-结单,必需拥有银行验证盖章 / your latest original bank statement & photocopy (1 copy each), if you are submitting an e-statement, please certify true copy by bank
余款付清截止日期 / Deadline for full payment: 7/3/2010
我们将在这一天有个 briefing, 参加《大马自游人关西赏樱之旅》的朋友必需出席 / briefing session: attendance is mandatory for those who are joing the 《Malaysia Travelers Sakura Excursion》
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