Dear Suki, I used to be one of your reader from your lifelogger blog, and myself also a lifelogger blogger. I haven't log in for quite sometimes due to busy schedule, just found out that lifelogger site already been moved, do you have any idea? i try and write to them but there is no answer. I'm not in Malaysia and i can't search any of the news of lifelogger closing down. I'm so sorry to bothering you but you are the only one i know who are using lifelogger. I'm really frustrated with lifelogger as my diary is there with no back-up, I hope that you know something about that.
hi ginger, ya lifelogger has some problem cannot log in. i'm not too sure what's the reason, the only thing i can do is to say the luck no good lo....i mean, their luck no good, no longer want me to write there as i'm the most beautiful, youngest, slimmest, big eyes, hahahahhaha.......
可以感觉到姐的圣诞过得幸福满满 =)
hi, 滴仙子..我是ginger...打从你在lifelogger时就爱看你写的文章..我想请 教一下您,之前你lifelogger 推荐bangkok的一间酒店是叫甚么名呢?我蛮喜欢那里, 下个月我会到曼谷,到时候可以住那里吧..可以麻烦你告诉我吗?..不好意思..
hello ginger, 你说的那间酒店是 Refill Now! 吧。我忘了他们的网站,你去 google 一下就找到了。可以直接在网上订房的。你玩得开心点咯!
Dear Suki,
I used to be one of your reader from your lifelogger blog, and myself also a lifelogger blogger. I haven't log in for quite sometimes due to busy schedule, just found out that lifelogger site already been moved, do you have any idea? i try and write to them but there is no answer. I'm not in Malaysia and i can't search any of the news of lifelogger closing down. I'm so sorry to bothering you but you are the only one i know who are using lifelogger. I'm really frustrated with lifelogger as my diary is there with no back-up, I hope that you know something about that.
Thank you very much!
阿滴好幸福喲,X'mas party吃喝玩樂樣樣都有,還有禮物收吶!真叫豬羨慕哩!這個圣誕,豬沒禮物收,反而還要送人禮物吶……哈哈!
thanks suki...
happy new year ya!!
frm ginger
hi ginger, ya lifelogger has some problem cannot log in. i'm not too sure what's the reason, the only thing i can do is to say the luck no good lo....i mean, their luck no good, no longer want me to write there as i'm the most beautiful, youngest, slimmest, big eyes, hahahahhaha.......
happy new year to you too ging.
姐啊,祝你新的一年赚大钱,继续美丽大方聪明伶俐才高八斗口若悬河明艳动人白里透红美丽肌肤吹弹可破魅力四射名扬四海仰慕者排山倒海应接不暇生活多姿多彩身体健康出入平安 =)
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